Online Donation Information
Making a donation to Eastridge Community Church online is easy, fast and secure. It's easy because we take you step-by-step through the process. It's fast because it takes just a few clicks of the mouse to complete your transaction. It's secure because we use the resources of Planning Center Giving to process your donation; and you don't have to have an account with Planning Center Giving to make your donation (you can make an account to manage your giving and track as well).
You can also text: $AMOUNT (ex: $10) to : 84321. From here you'll be directed to a website that will help you set up future giving by text.
After making a donation online, you will receive an email message from Planning Center Giving confirming your gift. This message will also be sent to us at Eastridge Community Church. We will enter this information into our regular donor receipt program which will keep track in our system of your donation. If you need assistance at any point during the process, please feel free to contact our office (218-722-1545) at accounting@eastridgechurchduluth.com
Tax Information
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowable by IRS rules and regulations. You will receive a letter of acknowledgment and thanks from our office in January of the following year. This letter will be a summary of your giving and will acknowledge your gifts as being tax deductible.