Welcome to Kidsridge

What Is Kidsridge?
Kidsridge is a place where friendships are formed with other children and the adults who teach them. It's a place where kids can learn more about who God is and how to have a relationship with Him. It's a place where kids can worship together and pray for one another. It's a time where kids can have fun and begin and continue a journey that will last a lifetime.
We have three different rooms in our kid’s ministry separated by age and development: Nursery, Kidsridge Junior, and Kidsridge.
Nursery childcare is available for children from birth through 3 years old. We overlap age 3 with Kidsridge Junior so the parents and child can take the time they need to adjust into our preschool space.
Kidsridge Junior is our preschool room. Children ages 3-5 gather here for Bible teachings and activities designed for their specific development at this age.
Kidsridge is our “big kids” room. Children ages 6 through the end of 5th grade gather here for Bible teachings, activities, and conversations about applying what we learned to our lives today.
Our purpose is to raise our children to have a strong, life-long relationship with Jesus Christ. We are dedicated to partnering with families to provide every child in our program the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this by providing a safe and loving environment where children learn to apply Biblical learning to their lives.
A Note From Eastridge
Thank you for your interest in Kidsridge. Our desire for Eastridge Community Church is to be a place where all ages and phases of life can experience God's love.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like any other information, please do not hesitate to contact our Kids Pastor, Sharae Hatfield.
It is always our goal to prevent the spread of viruses and infections in our classrooms. In consideration of all the children admitted to KidsRidge, please keep your children at home if they exhibit the following symptoms:
Within the past 24 hours: fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pink eye or contagious symptoms
Any of the following current symptoms: productive or persistent cough, rash, head lice
You are the best judge of how your child is feeling. If you think your child is sick, please do not check them in. Our policies have been adopted for the safety and well-being of every child in our program. Please do not hesitate to ask a staff member, volunteer, or any of our pastors, if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance as a parent in making our program a safe and fun place where children can learn, grow, and experience God.
In Kidsridge, we create an environment where students are physically and emotionally safe as they undertake adventures, attempt challenges, make new friendships and explore spiritual questions. One of the ways we embrace this safety, is a safe and secure check-in system where a determined guardian is only allowed to check kids in or out. No students are left alone while they are in our care, and we have trained individuals who are legally mandated to report any and all instances to staff and leadership at the church.
If you have any questions or concerns about the safety, health, or security operations and policies at Eastridge or within our Kidsridge program, do not hesitate to reach out to us and tell us what we can improve change, or do what we can to set your mind at ease.
General Purpose Statement
Eastridge Community Church seeks to provide a safe and secure environment for the children who participate
in our programs and activities. By implementing the below practices, our goal is to protect the children of
Eastridge Community Church from incidents of misconduct or inappropriate behavior while also protecting our
staff and volunteers (workers) from false accusations.
For purposes of this policy, the terms “child” or “children” include all persons under the age of eighteen (18)
years. The term “worker” includes both paid and unpaid persons who work with children.
Two Adult Rule
It is our goal that a minimum of two unrelated adult workers will be in attendance at all times when children are
being supervised during our programs and activities. Some youth classes may have only one adult teacher in
attendance during the class session; in these instances, doors to the classroom should remain open and there
should be no fewer than three students with the adult teacher. We do not allow minors to be alone with one
adult on our premises or in any sponsored activity unless in a counseling situation.
Responding to Allegations of Child Abuse
For purposes of this policy, “child abuse” is any action (or lack of action) that endangers or harms a child’s
physical, psychological or emotional health and development. Child abuse occurs in different ways and
includes the following:
● Physical abuse – any physical injury to a child that is not accidental, such as beating, shaking, burns,
and biting.
● Emotional abuse – emotional injury when the child is not nurtured or provided with love and security,
such as an environment of constant criticism, belittling and persistent teasing.
● Sexual abuse – any sexual activity between a child and an adult or between a child and another child at
least four years older than the victim, including activities such as fondling, exhibitionism, intercourse,
incest, and pornography.
● Neglect – depriving a child of his or her essential needs, such as adequate food, water, shelter, and
medical care.
Childcare workers may have the opportunity to become aware of abuse or neglect of the children under our
care. In the event that an individual involved in the care of children at Eastridge Community Church becomes
aware of suspected abuse or neglect of a child under his/her care, this should be reported immediately to the
church senior pastor or associate pastor for further action, including reporting to authorities as may be
mandated by state law.
In the event that an incident of abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred at Eastridge Community Church or
during our sponsored programs or activities, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. The parent or guardian of the child will be notified.
2. The worker or church member alleged to be the perpetrator of the abuse or misconduct will immediately
be placed on leave pending an investigation and instructed to remain away from the premises during
the investigation. He or she should be instructed to have no contact with the victim or with witnesses.
3. All allegations of abuse will be reported to the civil authorities, and the organization will comply with the
state’s requirements regarding mandatory reporting of abuse as the law then exists. The organization
will fully cooperate with the investigation of the incident by civil authorities.
4. The insurance company will be notified, and the organization will complete an incident report. Any
documents received relating to the incident and/or allegations will immediately be forwarded to the
insurance company.
5. The organization will designate a spokesperson to the media concerning incidents of abuse or neglect.
The advice of legal counsel will be sought before responding to media inquiries or releasing information
about the situation to the congregation. All other representatives of the organization should refrain from
speaking to the media.
6. A pastoral visit will be arranged for those who desire it. This should be for the purpose of providing
pastoral support during the time of crisis and not for the purpose of investigating the incident or
influencing the investigation.
7. Any person who is not found innocent of the alleged abuse or misconduct will be removed from their
position working with children or youth.
Open Door Policy
Classroom doors should remain open unless there is a window in the door or a side window beside it. Doors
should never be locked while persons are inside the room.
Check-in/Check-out Procedure
For children below 6th grade, a security check-in/check-out procedure will be followed. The
child will be signed in by a parent or guardian, who will receive a “child check” for the child
similar to a claim check. The parent or guardian must present the “child check” in order to sign
out the child from our care. In the event that a parent or guardian is unable to present the “child
check,” Kidsridge Lead will be contacted. Kidsridge Leads will be responsible for releasing the child to the care
of a parent or guardian after discussing the surrounding circumstances with the parent or guardian.
Sick Child Policy
It is our desire to provide a healthy and safe environment for all of the children at
Eastridge Community Church. Parents are encouraged to be considerate of other children when
deciding whether to place a child under our care. In general, children with the following
symptoms should NOT be dropped off:
● Fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours;
● Green or yellow runny nose;
● Eye or skin infections; and/or
● Other symptoms of communicable or infectious disease.
Children who are observed by our workers to be ill will be separated from other children and the
parent or guardian will be contacted to request that the child be picked up for the day.
Medications Policy
It is the policy of Eastridge Community Church not to administer either prescription or nonprescription
medications to the children under our care. Medications should be administered by a parent at home. Parents
are reminded of our sick child policy.
Exceptions to the medications policy may be granted to parents of children with potentially life threatening
conditions (such as asthma or severe allergic reactions). Parents of such children
should address their situation with Kidsridge Lead to develop a plan of action.
Discipline Policy
It is the policy of Eastridge Community Church not to administer corporal punishment, even if
parents have suggested or given permission for it. There should be no spanking, grabbing,
hitting, or other physical discipline of children. Workers should consult with Kidsridge Lead, or pastoral
leadership if assistance is needed with disciplinary issues.
Restroom Guidelines
Children five years of age and younger should use a classroom bathroom if one is available. If a classroom
bathroom is not available, workers should escort a group of children to the hallway bathroom. They should
always go in a group, never taking a child to the bathroom alone. The workers should check the bathroom first
to make sure that it is empty, and then allow the children inside. The workers should then remain outside the
bathroom door and escort the children back to the classroom. If a child is taking longer than seems necessary,
the worker should open the bathroom door and call the child's name. If a child requires assistance, the workers
should prop open the bathroom door, and leave the stall door open as they assist the child.
For children over the age of five, at least one adult male should take boys to the restroom and at least one
adult female should take girls. The worker should check the bathroom first to make sure that the bathroom is
empty, and then allow the children inside. The worker should then remain outside the bathroom door and
escort the children back to the classroom.
For the protection of all, workers should never be alone with a child in a bathroom with the door closed and
never be in a closed bathroom stall with a child. Parents are strongly encouraged to have their children visit the
bathroom prior to each class.
Accidental Injuries to Children
In the event that a child or youth is injured while under our care, the following steps should be followed:
1. For minor injuries, scrapes, and bruises, workers will provide First Aid (Band-Aids, etc.) as appropriate
and will notify the child’s parent or guardian of the injury at the time the child is picked up from our care.
2. For injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple First Aid, the parent and/or guardian will
immediately be summoned in addition to the worker’s supervisor. If warranted by circumstances, an
ambulance will be called.
3. Once the child has received appropriate medical attention, an incident report will be completed in the
case of injuries requiring treatment by a medical professional.
Eastridge Community Church will provide training on this child protection policy to all new childcare workers
and will strive to provide opportunities for additional training classes or events on an annual basis. All workers
are strongly encouraged to attend these training events.